Lunch box: Grilled chicken salad with tomato and sweetcorn

Chicken salad 32

A couple of weeks ago we went to a barbecue party, it was for that barbecue that I made the cauliflower tabbouleh. At that party, there was far too much food to eat, so every guest got home with a plastic box with some really nice leftover. I decided to take some marinated chicken breast,…

Thin tart with tomato

Tomato tart 52

I really love eating tomato; I like the taste and the colour, so I tend to add them in a lot of my dishes and salad. I struggled during quite a time to find the perfect recipe for tomato tart. Indeed, when you cook tomatoes, they tend to give back a lot of water which…

Cauliflower tabbouleh

Cauliflower 42

Last weekend was a bank holiday weekend in UK and that is always great to have 3 days for rest. On Monday, I was invited to the barbecue, we were lucky to have a really nice weather, not too warm and no rain at all. For this barbecue, I set my mind on a tabbouleh…

Lasagnes de courgettes aux tomates

Tomato Zucchini lasagne 52

J’apprécie faire des lasagnes le dimanche matin pour préparer mes boites déj. du lundi. J’ai déjà partagé une recette de lasagne sur Pauline-Cuisine : lasagne aux épinards. Généralement je fais des lasagnes avec des feuilles à lasagnes, ce qui parait logique mais depuis quelques temps je vois sur Pinterest des lasagnes faites avec des tranches de…

Steamed fruits parcel with chocolate sauce

Steamed fruits 32

I like to eat steamed or oven cooked fruits which are good for a better digestion.  Usually, when I have some guests home and that I made for them a quite heavy dinner, I like to serve a light dessert for finishing the meal. I am not a huge fan of fruit salad so I…